Following the release of his latest single 'torta fever, Flex caught up with indie-pop sensation YKARE to find out what influences his eclectic sound. If you enjoy YKARE's picks be sure to check out 'torta fever' at the end of the article.
1. Verzache - Juvenescence
I remember first hearing this song by accident in 2017. Hearing this song was the first time I remember getting a feeling that I only get by hearing a great song for the first time.
I first heard Juvenescence by accident in 2017, and from the moment it started playing, I felt something I had never experienced before. It was the first time a song gave me that indescribable feeling—like I had stumbled onto genius. That moment stuck with me because it made me realize what I wanted my own music to become. I want to create songs that give people that same feeling—the kind of music that lingers in your mind long after it ends, shaping your emotions in ways you never expected.
2. Joji - Gimme Love
This song really changed my view on what music could be. It tells a story that can be seen from so many perspectives. Joji's style of writing and production is something I continually come back to whenever I'm looking for inspiration.
3. J. Cole - 03’ Adolescence
As a kid I used to sing this song everyday with my friends while we skated in our neighborhood. 03' Adolenscene is During this time I would always wonder what life would be when i got older and now that I'm "older" I can listen back to this song and think about how far ive come.
4. poorstacy - hollow
One song that always inspires me is Hollow by poostact. There’s something about its raw emotion and energy that keeps pulling me back. The lyrics feel brutally honest, and the intensity. It's the kind of song that reminds me to embrace whatever's going on in my own life and translate it into creativity.
5. Glaive - 1984
1984 by Glaive truly changed the way I hear music. Glaive is an artist who writes and records most of his music in his bedroom, and that completely shifted my perspective on how great tracks are created . It made me realize that you don’t need a huge studio or expensive equipment to make something that will change listeners' lives. This song 1984 showed me how raw, personal, and powerful music can be, no matter where it’s made.
Listen to YKARE 'torta fever'