Energy Whores, the NY-based electronic duo known for their politically-infused, danceable tracks, have returned with a moving commentary on war. "The Winter Sky" blends the classic marks of their previous releases (synths, keyboard, and infectious drum beats) with the darker subject matter of waiting for - and hopelessly watching - destruction.
The duo is made up of artist and singer/songwriter Carrie Schoenfield, as well as guitarist Attilo Valenti. Together, they've concocted their own version of modern protest music, touching upon the turmoil we all see in a tumultuous world. We sat down with Schoenfield to discuss the meaning of the song further, and who she hopes it connects to.
FLEX: What inspired you to write "The Winter Sky"? When did you write it, timewise?
Carrie Schoenfield: The war in Ukraine is what inspired me to write this song. As the war progressed and images of the carnage were on the news, I was just sick about it. War is just so insane and counterproductive. Why did Putin go into a peaceful country and destroy it but for his own psycho agenda. It seems to me that all wars start because of someone’s depravity. I thought after all the wars of the 20th century we would have learned a thing or two and be more evolved in our thinking about war. Sadly we are still viruses trying to eat each other. I hope I conveyed this message in the song.
F: What led you to create social/political music?
CS: We want our music to provoke thought, provide a grip on reality, and inspire positive change. In a time of crisis, we stand as a voice against injustice, echoing the sentiments of protest rockers, rappers, and folk singers who came before us. By embracing diversity and incorporating various genres and beats, our music reflects the beauty of unity in a fractured world. We hope our listeners are moved to contribute to constructive change and be part of a multi-generational, multi-racial effort to combat authoritarianism and fascism.
F: Who are some of your most notable influences for this track?
CS: Joe Lowe of Indifferent Monkey said this to me about his music: “I am inspired by everyone but copy no one.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.
F: Where did you meet Attilo Valenti, and how did your musical collaboration come about?
CS: I met Attilio when I met my future husband. He is my brother-in-law. At that time Attilio had a wedding band and he would play most every weekend. One weekend that he wasn’t off someplace playing we sat in front of his computer. He showed me something he was working on and he was using Logic X. I thought I must get this program and learn how to use it asap. He helped me set up my recording studio and then I started writing music. I would send him tracks and ask for advice and guitar tracks. Suddenly we were collaborating.
F: Are you planning any live performances of these tracks, and how do you think they'll play to an audience?
CS: We are not sure if we are going to have any live performances now. But when we do they might be VR avatars or holographic avatars in an imaginary location relevant to the content of the songs. We are exploring different cutting-edge possibilities. If we are in VR or avatars we could be performing in many places simultaneously.
"The Winter Sky" is available across streaming platforms.