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Interview: Bōnd Of Endless Tree reflects on artistry and new single "Drop"

Bōnd Of Endless Tree's new single, "Drop," is a testament to Thiago Tolentin's musical perseverance. Tolentino, the singer, songwriter, and producer hailing from Rio de Janeiro, blends alternative rock, pop, and emo with electronic influences to create unique sounds and introspective lyrics. The now-LA-based artist now refelcts on his journey through life, pain and hope - as he continues to share his story with the world.

We sat down with Bōnd Of Endless Tree to chat about his latest music and his greatest inspirations.

Thank you for sitting down and talking to FLEX, can you tell us a bit about how you got into music?

I’ve always been into music, but I never thought about making it myself. I started playing the piano at seven but it was mostly because my mom forced me to do it. I hated the lessons. I wanted to look cool and play the drums, but she wouldn’t let me, scared I’d turn into some punk kid. And guess what, it didn’t work. The decision about starting to make music came a lot later in my life when I came across a few artists who built my vision of art and its purpose.

Who would you say are your biggest musical influences?

It wouldn’t be fair to only say a few names if we’re talking about the sonic aspect of it. But in terms of purpose, only a few artists in particular contributed to making me understand why I should choose to dedicate my life to it. I like to say names such as Twenty One Pilots, My Chemical Romance, Yungblud.

Congratulations on your brand-new single 'Drop' - what inspired this particular song?

Thank you. I started writing it years ago in my bedroom at my parents’ house. As usual, it came from journaling on a certain day. Of course that I don’t write the lyrics exactly what I write in my journal, otherwise that would look very weird. We all like to taste freedom and we’re always looking for it. I don’t think anyone would rather depend on something than not depend on it. But sometimes it seems as if we are prisoners of the circumstances that surround us, which makes me feel very weak. I don’t want to be slaved by any reality. I don’t want anything dictating how I should feel. I want to be able to control how I need to feel in order to do what I believe I need to do. And in a moment where it seems I’m simply powerless stuck inside this moment, where all I’m able to do is to watch life dragging me, there has to be a reason to move on. And it’s because, even if it’s deep inside, there is at least a small drop of hope that one day I’ll be who I wanna be and I won’t be tied by this reality’s leash anymore. That’s what the song talks about.

How do you channel personal experiences into your songwriting, and what do you hope listeners gain from connecting with your music?

My songs always come from a place of vulnerability and honesty. So I hope to create a moment with the audience when playing for them. I really wanna connect with people and deliver what I have to say.

What are your goals for the future with your music?

My goal with my music is to play shows and build a community. I never thought about numbers or awards. There are a lot of things I want to say and I hope these things can reach someone the same way others’ messages reached me, and most importantly, made me think.

What message or feeling do you hope listeners take away from your music?

I hope to create a moment they will remember. A moment where both ends can be open to truthfully connect and resonate with each other.

To wrap things up, is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Stay in school, kids, and eat your vegetables. Also, don’t skip those piano lessons, they might come in handy one day.

Listen to "Drop":

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