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Interview - FEYEN

Ellie McGuire

Gently, FEYEN dismantles boundaries in support of his idea of the full art experience. Some could wonder if one didn't already exist in the first place. It is admirable how well he can bring diverse components together since it makes his spirituality tangible to everyone.

FEYEN's latest track, "Love And Not War," is yet another outstanding effort that seems to perfectly encapsulate his character as a musician and composer. As he advances in the music business, he is committed to creating music that leaves a lasting emotional impression on listeners.

We sat down with FEYEN to discuss their music and much more. Here is what they had to say:

Hey FEYEN, welcome to FLEX! How are you?

I am very good, thank you! Very happy to release my favorite song.

Congratulations on your brand-new single 'Love And Not War' - what inspired this particular track?

Thank you! It was actually inspired by co-writer Terri Bjerre, that love and peace are always the answer.

And do you have to be in a certain mood to write?

Yes, it is always important to be in a specific mood for one song and have some own deep feelings to bring into the writing session - a message you want to bring into the world. You should be grounded and also connected to the whole at the same time when writing.

How was the recording and writing process?

I co-created it with Terri Bjerre. The producer is Jens Gad. In the beginning, it was more of an "80th/Tina Turner/Beverly Hills/pop-rock song", but then it processed into a proper pop song further down the line. It is about always finding back to the heart centre even when life gets tough, to embrace love instead of war, especially in times like this. The biggest yoga is a bear insult and bear injury.

For viewers who don't know FEYEN, how would you describe your sound?

One of my idols would be Harry Styles - a bit of pop and progressive rock - but I do also sing opera. So it is a mixture of those.

And what are some of those activities that you engage yourself in when you aren't writing or recording in the studio?

I do a lot of yoga, and breathing work and I am into Ayurveda too, just finished my 5th Pancha Karma, and it is very important to know your body and clean your body. That´s what I focus on when I am not in the recording studio. 


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