Ace Rose, the fresh face of Hip Hop, is setting the global stage ablaze with his unique blend of relatable, introspective lyrics and genre-bending production. Raised in the heart of Los Angeles after being born in Europe, Ace Rose is not just another artist—he’s a movement. Garnering attention from major publications such as The Source, Urban Magazine, and Underground Hip Hop, he is rapidly cementing his place at the forefront of a new wave of musicians poised to redefine Hip Hop.
His latest release, “Strong,” exemplifies this bold journey, offering fans a gritty and introspective track that highlights his resilience and raw authenticity. The song chronicles his rise from his European roots to his immersion in LA’s vibrant hip-hop scene, delivering a powerful message of self-worth. “Ain’t nobody in the lights whose games are this strong,” Ace Rose affirms in the track, a testament to his belief in his own talent and the determination to leave his mark on the industry.
Thank you for sitting down and talking to FLEX, can you tell us a bit about how you got into music?
Hey, a pleasure to speak to you. I got into music as an outlet for my life. I always rapped with friends or cyphers but I took it seriously when I felt the confidence and power it gave me.
Who would you say are your biggest musical influences?
Man, I’m inspired by everyone from Pink Floyd, and Radiohead, to Kendrick Lamar and Lil Wayne. I check what everyone is doing and I’m a piece of everyone.
Congratulations on your brand-new single 'Strong' —what inspired this particular release?
Thank you! It’s one of those records that’s meant to give strength and self-worth. A reminder as an artist to keep pushing and no matter who is more established that you belong in that same light.
How do you channel personal experiences into your songwriting, and what do you hope listeners gain from connecting with your music?
Sometimes it’s some shit I need to hear, like a future me giving advice to present me. Sometimes it’s past experiences that have been rattling in my head and need to get out. The more music I bring out the more people will get to know me and my stories and will be able to find themselves. Everybody has traumas or moments of self-doubt and that’s all I’m here to do, to uplift!
Each aspect of music—writing, recording, practicing, and playing live—offers something different. Can you share a particularly meaningful moment from each?
Well, writing varies. I think the most prolific moments were in the beginning when there were no expectations of putting something out. It was just me and my thoughts being free.
Recording, every time in the booth is a moment because you are capturing a vision and bringing it to life.
Playing live is the best because that shit you made is now like show and tell. And people either are gonna rock with it or hate it. I love the challenge of bringing people together.
Is there a song in your repertoire that holds a particularly deep personal meaning for you? Can you share the story or inspiration behind it?
You will have to wait for the project, and even that song is just me giving a small glimpse. I’m not gonna show the whole movie yet, we are still in the trailers.
What are your goals for the future with your music?
To be the best version of myself I can be and share my art with as many people as I can. I’m trying to be the best, There is no point in doing this and not wanna be the greatest!
What message or feeling do you hope listeners take away from your music?
Well, now it’s good vibes, party shit, mosh shit. Until I put out something to make you cry. Music is about feeling and if it gives nothing then I fail.
To wrap things up, is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Thank you for listening be sure to follow me @ aceroseofficial. And stay tuned next year is gonna be huge and I hope you’re in for the ride. Never mind that shit sounded lame.
AFTER DARK is next!
Listen to 'Strong' here: