Hailing from Denmark, Berlin-based singer-songwriter Thit Lin’s music is moving within the realm of indie dream pop.
Thit Lin has released her debut EP ‘This is Take One’. She is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Koda, Danish Artist Union, and Danish Popular Auteurs, her music has already received a big stamp of approval from some of the most respected music and arts organisations in Denmark.
We sat down with Thit Lin to discuss her music and much more. Here’s what she had to say:
Hey Thit Lin, welcome to FLEX! How are you?
Hey FLEX, thank you for having me. I’m great, I’m back home after having attended an amazing songwriting camp last week where I met some incredibly talented Danish and German musicians - and got to write two new songs for my project.
Congratulations on your debut EP ’This Is Take One’ - what inspired this particular EP?
Thank you! I found the inspiration for the EP from my own life because I love studying all the small moments and the big feelings. Each song on my debut EP represents a soundtrack to a different phase of my life, that I’ve reflected on - and reframed with an ironic twist. I’m mostly inspired to write songs in retrospect, when I’ve taken more control of my emotions, rather than in the eye of the storm. That’s how this EP came to life as well.
And do you have to be in a certain mood to write?
I really like to write when I’m on the other side of a, sometimes difficult, situation. It’s like I use songwriting to manifest the art of reshaping narratives, and I often feel even stronger after. I have the most fun writing songs when I’m able to laugh about myself and pull myself out of the little emotional bubble we can sometimes find ourselves in.
How was the recording and writing process?
I wrote all the songs within just a few days after a long period where I had not had enough time and mind space to write at all. Finally, I had it again when I spent some time in the Danish countryside, and at that time I was so high on all the unresolved creative energy. It brought me into the perfect intuitive flow, and the songs just poured out of me. I then drafted some basic demos to better convey my vision to my producers who then helped me craft the sound into the way it sounds today.
For viewers that don’t know Thit Lin, how would you describe your sound?
Honest, relatable, and emotionally driven stories wrapped in poppy melodies with a touch
of dreamy nostalgia.
And what are some of those activities that you engage yourself in when you aren't writing or recording in the studio?
I’ll go out and explore Berlin with friends. I love soaking up all the different art events, concerts, bars, and restaurants available in this city. I find so much inspiration in my life here and the beautiful people I meet along the way.