We sat down with the very talented Deer Fellow who continue their 2023 on a high. They speak about their new EP release 'Unraveling', as well as future plans. Be sure to check it out the tracklist at the bottom!
Would you like to tell us a little bit about the name behind the EP ‘Unraveling’?
It's partially inspired by the first track "Unravel" which is based on the video game of the same name. But as we were deciding which songs to put on the EP we realized they all had a common theme of unraveling and coming undone, whether it be relationships, personal mental health, or society as a whole. Plus we really like the yarn imagery.
How would you describe the album to someone who’s never heard of Deer Fellow?
A dreamy blend of electric guitar and violin, with vocal harmonies at the forefront. Fans have said listening to our music feels like taking a bubble bath with a glass of champagne.
Having previously made music on your own, how does releasing music together differ?
It's nice to share the triumphs as well as the struggles together. Also nice to have someone to bounce ideas off.
The single ‘Insult to Injury’ is a great mix of genres, tell us about how that sound came to be or, in other words, what inspired it?
We listen to a lot of bedroom pop like Still Woozy and Ritt Momney so we think those kinds of artists influenced this track subconsciously.
What was your process of writing this time, and did it differ from previous releases?
We didn't write these songs with the intention of them all being together on an EP. Unravel was a "quaran-tune" (during quarantine) written as a therapeutic outlet for the anxiety we were all feeling at that time. Can't Forget was written maybe 5 years ago about the estrangement of a loved one. The Culprit was also years old and about reevaluating blame toward others and yourself. Filtered took a long time to complete since we didn't really know what it was about until finally it sunk in that it was a commentary on toxic social media. Insult to Injury was a plea to the jerks in life to be more empathetic.
How do you balance all of your creative output, alongside your life in general?
(From Alyssa) It has been quite difficult to find a healthy balance. It's hard to break the habit of living life by one's to-do list and sometimes it feels indulgent to sit down and create, knowing that some days nothing may come from it.
(From Matt) I'm often noodling around with song ideas but once I'm on a roll with one it's hard to do anything else but finish it. Hours will go by without me realizing it. All the non-music tasks of the day lose their value in comparison.
What impact would you like this album to have on your fans or listeners?
We hope that they find some beauty in it. That it brightens their day or gives voice to a feeling they've been experiencing in their own lives.
What are your future plans for touring, releasing etc.?
We plan to hit the road with these songs in Nashville, Santa Fe, and throughout Colorado this summer. We are also going to get back in the studio probably in late summer for a few more singles before diving into the next big project.