Since their first release in 2015, King No-Ones roots in philosophy, alongside their stadium filling hooks have earned them a presence across England and Europe. Hailing from Leeds, singer Zach Lount and guitarist Joe Martin saw a childhood friendship flourish into musical partners, with the duo adding drummer James Basile and bassist Rob Gration to create the four-piece in the years since.
The new single from King No-One, ‘I Feel Strange’, starts off with a riotous drum line, though we soon realise that energy is just the beginning as a huge distorted guitar riff takes the stage. High energy, live-feel vocals outline the story of the track with charisma and emotion, with themes of overwhelm across the lyricism. This themed is echoed in the eclectic mix of styles that make a feature in this track, choruses, verse and even small ethereal moments take on completely different vibes. However, the band uses their impressive musicianship to keep the track natural and cohesive, holding together every new element with an effortlessness that is a testament to their songwriting. Despite a slight twang of melancholy, this definitely feels like a track of optimism, powerfully challenging you on your perception of the world.
Zach explains, “I Feel Strange was written whilst I was at a real crossroad, when I took an abstract view on life - Like why we pay £x a month to live in a concrete cage in a city centre full of others in tiny spaces, or being mugged on your doorstep, or all of a sudden massive corporations have LGBTQ+ branding for a week a year, or oil allowing neoliberalism to construct our society whilst being the death of the natural world... or the fact Neville from Harry Potter became insanely handsome.
Then I just had to think, well - this is the world, this is humanity and I'm here now. I'll stick around.”