Embarking on a sonic voyage that transcends borders, American-Congolese producer KJ Conteh introduces his inaugural release for 2024, the captivating "Something New." This collaborative endeavour sees Conteh joining forces with the dynamic talents of SYD and DB Bantino, creating an Alternative masterpiece that resonates with a global flair. Recorded in the vibrant music hub of Los Angeles, the single is presented to audiences through Kabaya Recordings.
"Something New" is an Alternative gem crafted by Conteh to evoke a deep connection with its listeners. The collaborative effort features the enchanting vocals of multi-hyphenate creator and hitmaker SYD (known for credits with Zayn, Kehlani, The Neighborhood) and DB Bantino (credited with Chris Brown, Tory Lanez, and Offset). Together, they weave a breezy and captivating narrative through their collective musical expressions.
The genesis of "Something New" lies in Conteh's desire to break away from the homogeneity prevalent in today's music landscape. He articulates a vision where music transcends trends, aiming to evoke genuine emotions in his listeners. Drawing inspiration from diverse sounds across the globe, Conteh aspires to carve out a distinct and fresh sonic identity with this release.
Beyond being a producer, KJ Conteh boasts an impressive production catalog featuring collaborations with industry heavyweights such as Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, 50 Cent, and more. "Something New" stands as a testament to Conteh's ability to infuse global influences into a contemporary R&B masterpiece, marking a compelling chapter in his musical odyssey.
Stream "Something New" below: