Michael Peloso started writing at fourteen years old, and the talent he found for melodies and lyricism, alongside an unparalleled persistence for making a dent in the industry has allowed him to do just that. In his own words he, “kept knocking on doors and knocked them down if nobody answered.”
‘Here From There’ accentuates Michael’s ability to write gorgeous songs that encapsulate everything from rock tracks to emotional ballads. He uses simple instrumentation to convey complex emotions, collaborating with a wide range of artists who all help to build this album to a gentle and beautiful project. Marisa Frantz on vocals gives a bright performance at every stage, enticing you into the next track as it comes along.
On the album, Michael says, “The record is actually a story in three chapters in regard to a relationship that started out wonderfully (the first 3 songs). Tracks 4, titled ‘Where Do You Go?’ we begin to notice that something is different in the relationship. One person is committed to it, but the other isn't & yet we can't pinpoint what it is. Track 5, titled ‘Street of Gold’ deals with the heartache of being betrayed & hurt by someone. No matter what you did, it just wasn't good enough. & the last part of the album starts with ‘Rewind’, which deals with reflection, then ‘Angels Are Listening’ deals with the healing process. Track 8, ‘Ella's Pink Balloon’ touches on finding that strength to move past it & free yourself from it all. The final song called, ‘Better Days Ahead’ is the breakthrough of hope that it will get only better & you have healed from it.”