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PREMIERE: Kid Apollo showcases brilliant songwriting with new single ‘Shameless’

Kid Apollo is a talented songwriter that’s for sure. With influences ranging from Damon Albarn to Billie Eilish and Sufjan Stevens, this artist fuses together genres to create his own unique shade of indie-pop.

His latest track is ‘Shameless’ which is a downtempo, reflective tracks with mellow vibes and lyrics that speak about reminiscing on bygone days when we could head out with friends and have messy nights out. Oh how we miss those times!

Penning and self-producing everything from his bedroom in Derry, Ireland, Kid Apollo is one-to-watch. It’s refreshing to hear something so beautifully composed - the vocals, instrumental and production are so seamless you’d think this was the work of a solo artist who had been perfecting his art for years. In fact, K.A. has only just started on his solo ventures. Having been in bands before, he is now going it alone, armed with nothing but his talent and a laptop. A bold move which will no doubt pay off if he keeps writing tunes like this!

Remember people, as the lyrics in ‘Shameless’ go… "DIAMONDS ARE A FAIRYTALE”. The song is about nostalgia and romanticising past memories. Fairytales aren’t real so don’t be getting too attached to the past. It’s a bittersweet take on youth - we miss the messy nights and the carefree days, but everything - just like youth - fades.

‘Shameless’ is out now on all digital platforms:

Follow Kid Apollo: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube | Spotify



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