21 year old Cecilia Gault’s diverse cultural traditions inform her musical tastes as well as her own artistic output.
Recently releasing her new single “Hanasuto” (produced by Dominic Florio) the track is a satirical play on the hyper-sexualisation of the Japanese schoolgirl stereotype. Full of glistening electronics and warped rhythms, Cecilia provides an important commentary on the objectification of young Asian girls and the presence of male gaze within her culture, all the while masquerading as an infectious pop number.
“The English translation of ‘Hanasuto’ is ‘When I Talk Like This’, Cecilia explains. “It’s my play on the hyper-sexualized Japanese school girl stereotype fantasy. The Japanese lyrics “貴方の 視線 感じて, シャツのボタン 弾けて, 私の インスタを 眺めて” translate to “I can feel your gaze, my shirts buttons are popping off, you’re staring longingly at my Instagram’. ‘Hanasuto’ is told through the voice of the woman....the object of the fantasy.”
Cloaked in synths and spiked electronic rhythms, Cecilia Gault touches on a topic of immense personal importance. With her music, she brings depth and character via her unique, sultry voice and personal perspective. “My big interest is creative freedom and communication through art,” she says. “To create is the base of human communication. Music and songwriting is my way of weaving together pieces of my life to create a story.”
Tune in.