Hailing from upstate New York lies the soulful Shane Rennison. Quickly garnering attention since the release of his debut single ‘You Don’t Wanna Hear It’ in 2022, Shane has moved swiftly through the ranks with the release of his debut album ‘Irrational’ for 2024.
Blending captivating, soulful energy with unique instrumentation, Rennison’s ‘Irrational’ is a rich sonic tapestry touching all corners of his musical upbringing. Entwined all the way through the album's eleven tracks is an emphatic sense of creative maturity that’s seldom heard in an artist so young. Drawing comparisons with everyone from Harry Styles to Vampire Weekend, the album embodies a sensational sonic tapestry, embowered with a heartfelt, honest approach to song writing.
Speaking on the release of the project, Shane explains, "I’m so grateful I finally get to share this album. We’ve been working on it for about two years now, and it’s just so nice to put it out and move on creatively. I felt as though artists were getting away from full-length projects that flow from one song to another. It’s kind of a dated concept because, in the streaming era, you can start an album on any track you wish. So for this project, I wanted to create seamless transitions from one track to the next to create a really cohesive project that satisfied us as a whole.”