Talon David has shared her glowing single ‘Anomaly’, a track about feeling a sense of contentment, after spending a long time searching for it. The track perfectly embodies this message with vibrant instrumentation, from fill heavy, bouncy drums, a retro-feeling piano line and twangy guitar melodies. Vocally, Talon shimmers and soars, supporting her melodies with gorgeous, flowing vocalisations. It’s joyous, relatable and inspiring.
Talon explains the track, "I've wanted a song titled Anomaly for a while. It's one of those musical words I'd written down in my Notes app forever ago, and one day I decided to whip it out and see what would come of it. On this particular day I happened to be feeling good, and there was absolutely no reason for it (it was raining, COVID, midweek) except that I was alive and doing what I love. Social media was blowing up with all manner of complaint and general life disappointment, but I felt...good. I decided to explore the essence of that feeling: the euphoria that comes when things start to go right, especially when it seems to be in opposition to the world around you.
Music-wise I wanted it to be jumpy, perky, like if an LSD trip happened without taking LSD. Strange, out-of-place, slightly retro, but not unpleasant. The keyboard riff was the main strain with sparkling accents from the guitar, background vocals provided the psychedelic color, the sliding bass was the relative instability of the verses that turned into the certainty of the chorus."
Growing up just outside of Nashville, Talon was introduced to a vast range of music, steadily building a diverse musical vocabulary that she now brings to her songwriting. After varied achievements that include a Bachelor of Music and GRAMMY recognition, Talon continues to stay true to her mission of spreading positivity to her listeners.