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  • Writer's pictureBecca Fergus

Tizane teases new track 'Dead to Me'

Tenebrific and tantalising, alt-rocker Tizane is commanding attention in her haunting new track “Dead to Me”.

Despite only being 19, the singer-songwriter’s success is already skyrocketing, with her streams passing the two million mark and her tracks in over 40 playlists. Hungry and determined, Tizane’s grit spills over into her music, as ''Dead to Me' illustrates the explosive talent she withholds. With a broody and adumbral opening that is amplified by forceful beats, and gnarling keys, her vocals are unified in the soundscape, completing the cool distortion of the song. Tizane describes the track as a “bad bitch sonnet ", weaving through the fickle complications of treachery, deceit and her own personal struggles. Sincere about her mental health battles, Tizane translates this into song in a manner that is both painful yet empathic, and allows her music to be a therapeutic outlet.

'Dead to Me' is taken off Tizane’s highly anticipated upcoming debut double album ‘Cherry’, released on her own record label Jiggery Pokery this Feburary. If you’re a fan of Billie Eilish and Bishop Briggs, you definitely don’t want to miss it.

Listen to 'Dead to Me' here:



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